Snack challenge!

  • Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

    Product: the documentation of the activities carried on by groups of partners.

    Curricular integration & competencies stimulated: Science and Nutrition, Maths, English and Multilingual competence, Digital competence, Citizenship, Cultural awareness, Collaboration

    How are we working: some of the partners collect data about the consumption of snacks at school; the data are represented and analysed by the older students. The students can challenge themselves to try different food following the ideas provided by the others partners. 

    Tools & web tools: Twinboard, Jamboard, Sutori and other similar tools

    In the sub-pages, you can find the data collected by the partners and the graphs prepared using them and the results of the "Snack challenge".

  • If I were a snack I would be...

    The Greek Team
    Lorena ( RO)

    I would be pack of crisps

    Ianis ( Ro)

    I love crisps.

    Bianca ( Ro)

    I would be broccoli.

    Cosmina ( RO)

    I would be an apple

    Marina Hussein, Escola Frei Manuel de Santa InĂªs, Portugal

    If I was a snack I would be ...

    Alex I

    I love chocolate

    David Mihai

    I love yoghurt

    David C

    I love Barni milk cake


    I like bananas.


    I like oreo biscuits.