Run The Ruth - project description


    The project "Run the RUTH - a unique obstacle run" is a project where the goal is to make an obstacle race that is made by children/students for children/students of all ages. There will be inspiring pictures of ideas for obstacles on the project page.
    The idea behind the project is to get the children/students to collaborate and construct exciting obstacles - and for the children/students to be physically active both during the construction of the course, but also when they have to run the race.

    The project is inspired by and cooperates with Ruth. Ruth works in the danish military and in her spare time she arranges annual events with obstical races for local schools and kindergardens in her area.

    To do list- to participate in this project:
    - Create an acvity run titled: "Run the RUTH".
    - Take pictures of the activities.
    - Take pictures of students / children durring their run.
    - The project runs in September / October 2020



    There are several goals with this project.

    For the studenst who consstruct the obstacles, the goal is that they learn - that through collaboration they can construct some safe and fun obstacles for their peers and themselves. And enjoy experience being active in a different way than participating in normal sports.

    For the constructing students another goal is also, that they experience being in the process from idea to the final obstacle. Experience joind talk about wich materials should be used, buliding the obstacle, testing the obstacle, seing other kids/students enjoying what they have produced.

    The goal is also for the students to experience other ways of being phsycially active.

    The project is a knowledge sharing project. During the project, the hope is that an "Idea bank" with obstacles will grow steadily as the participating classes get to test different obstacles/take pictures/put the pictures in the "idea bank". The hope is, that this bank of ideas will inspire the participating teachers to make fun obstacles together with their student - both during the period the proejct runs, but also in the future.



    Do to the fact that this project is a knowledge sharing project, where the participants continuously post pictures to inspire each other. The work process is different than a traditional eTwinning-project.

    Before the project will be officially open for participants, the project page will contain a baggrund story about the danish women Ruth. Ruth who is the inspration behind this project. The page will tell about her inspiration for the concept of doing obstacle races for children/students.

    The project page will also contain some pictures with possible obstacles to be made.

    The project will be for everyone in the age group 1-20 years who wants to join.

    Once the project starts, it will run for 2 months so everyone has the opportunity to incorporate working with the obstacle race in their calender.

    When the project is close to closing, everyone who participates in the project will get a reminder that the project will end soon. If there are participants signed up for the project who do not contribues to the project, they will be removed from the project before it is closed.

    When the project is completed, all of the images will be put together in a joined projectvideo.


    The project aims to involve students throughout the process of constructing each obstacle in the extend that is possible.


    The hope is that the participating children/students experience, that when they collaborate the can construct an exciting obstacle race. 

    When the project ends, a projectvideo will be produced. The video will be shared on the the projects Twinspace account.