Run The Ruth at Pilehaveskolen - with explanation

  • Here is the plan for Run The Ruth at Pilehaveskolen in Assens/Denmark on the 6. october 2020:



    It shows where the different obstacles are supposed to be placed along the field. 

    We have been fortunate to be able to work with the local football club in Assens, and are able to borrow their field to hold the race.

    The plan is in danish and each participating class has a copy so they know where to place their obstacle. We only have a short amount of time to get the field ready before the first group og students will come and do their Run The Ruth.


    The Run The Ruth obstacle race starts with a small pool, so the participants get wet feet from the start of the obstacle course :-).  

    We have written a joined letter to be handed out in all of the participating classes. The letter explaines about Run The Ruth and parents are recommend to giving their kids old clothes and shoes to wear that day.