Games and quizzes about peace

  • Here you can add the games or quizzes you've created 




    CREATED BY MARTINA 3A (I.C. Oreste Giorgi-Valmontone)

    Wordsearch by Giulia class 3D Valmontone team:

    A memory game by Giulia Class 3D, Valmontone:


    A Wordseach by Beatrice, class 3D, Valmontone team:

    A wordsearch by Giorgia class 3D Valmontone team:


    Students from Greece, Korea, France, Italy and Romania read their partners' biographies of Peace makers and suggested questions to make a quiz . Here is the final result!

    And a 'who wants to be a millionaire game ' created with extra questions suggested by Italy, France, Greece(Ilion) and Romania 



    Students from Arsakeia Tositseia Schools created this trivial game . Try to play after you have read their presentations about Nobel Peace Prizes 


    Our menti results : 




    a) Solve the puzzle:

    b) Now this matching game will be easy

  • Links or photos of students playing / creating

    Colegiul National Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Galati

    We thought of a number of questions that could be included in a quiz on biographies of Nobel Peace Prize Winners.

    I.C. Giorgi, Valmontone (Italy) - Spagnuolo Anastasia

    3A and 3C students reflected upon the words "peace" and "war", Then they added their words to Mentimeter created by Greek partners

    I.C. Giorgi, Valmontone (Italy) - Spagnuolo Anastasia

    Crosscurricular activities-27th of January- Remembrance Day
    Reflecting upon the word “war” and all its atrocities. (classes 3A-3C)

    I.C. Giorgi, Valmontone (Italy) - Spagnuolo Anastasia

    A game created by Martina 3A

    I.C. Giorgi, Valmontone (Italy) - Spagnuolo Anastasia

    Reflections...."What comes to mind when you hear the word "war"

    If jou want to join here is the link

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    Playing PEACE Wordsearch created by Italian team

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    French students added their contribution to the PEACE mentimeter

    Link to the common quiz about Peace makers

    collaborative work by Italy, France, Romania, Korea and Greece (ilion)

    Link to a common 'Millioniare game' about Peace makers

    Collective work by France, Greece(Ilion), Romania and Italy

    Peace games

    Class 3D Valmontone team

    What colour is peace?

    menti made by greek school ARSAKEIA TOSITSEIA SCHOOLS

    What does peace mean to you ?

    menti made by GREEK students ARSAKEIA SCHOOLS

    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece

    Playing the games

    I.C. Giorgi, Valmontone (Italy) - Spagnuolo Anastasia

    3A-3C students had a lot of fun while playing our partners' games!!!!
    Thank you for sharing!

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    French students playing the Peace games

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    Some more Peace games !! It was fun to play them!