Survey : Are you a responsible digital citizen?

  • Valmontone Team - Classes 3A-3C

    (Teacher Anastasia Spagnuolo)


    Please upload your questions on the twinboard below

  • Brainstorming

    albachiara valmontone team 3C

    question 1
    A digital citizen is:
    1: A person who lives in a modern world
    2: A person who is active online
    3: A person who is in danger

    Aurora Valmontone team 3c

    question 2
    Polite Is:
    1 Respectful and kind
    2 disrepectful and rude
    3 acting in a praticano way

    Giorgia 3C Valmontone team

    A good digital citizen always:
    A)Respects other people online
    B) Breaks official rules
    C) behaves badly online


    A responsible digital citzen knows how to use technology in a safe and sensible way :

    Irene 3B Valmontone team

    It is healthy to use electronic devices for a long time

    Riccardo 3D Valmontone team

    How old do you have to be to have a Facebook account?
    A)10 Years old
    B)13 Years old
    C)18 Years old

    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece Posting Photos online

    1) When a photo or video is shared on the internet, who might be able to see it?
    -Just me, everything is automatically private on the internet.
    -Only the people who I choose
    2)One of your classmates has shared a photo of you that you really don’t like. What do you do?
    -Share an embarrassing photo of them in return!
    -Nothing; it’s up to them what they post online.
    -Tell an adult and explain why you’re unhappy. (*)
    3. You took a video of you and your friends play fighting and being really silly. Do you share it?
    -We’re only messing around, of course.
    -Probably not, I might not want people to see it in the future.(*)
    -Probably, it was just for fun and I can delete it later.
    (source: UK Safer Interenet Center)

    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece-Cyber Bullying

    1)Cyberbullying can take place on computers, cell phones and tablets.
    a) True (*) b) False
    2. Victims report that they are primarily cyberbullied by strangers.
    a) True
    b) False (*)
    3) Cyberbullying is not as bad as bullying in real life because you usually forget about it easily.
    a)True b)False (*)
    3. Kids who are cyberbullied are more likely to:
    a) Have health problems
    b) Have bad grades
    c) None of these
    d) Both of these
    4) Which of the following is NOT a good way to handle cyberbullying?
    a) Ignore or block the person
    b) Report the post to the patforms' admins
    c) Behave the same way-sending a bullying message or post in return
    d) Take screenshots to show to your parents

    Primary School Josip Antun Ćolnić, CROATIA

    1. What is correct?
    a) You should keep your password private.
    b) You should share your password with your closest friends.
    c) You should tell your password to anyone who is interested.
    2. You should trust everyone you meet online.

    3. As a digital citizen, you have:
    a) Only rights.
    b) Only responsibilities towards yourself and others.
    c) Both rights and responsibilities towards yourself and others.

    Martina - Valmontone team 3A

    Do you believe all the information you see on the Internet?

    a) No! I always check that information is true
    b) I don't really think about the information being true or not
    c) I believe everything I see online


    What Apps do you use?
    Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Pinterest, None of these

    What games do you play?
    Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, Dragoncity, Counter Strike (CS), Subway Surfers, Tabs, Fifa, None of these

    Almassira Alkhadra high school

    How do you react to racist and rude comments on social media?
    1. You delete the comment or block the commenter
    2. You respond in a respectful way
    3. You engage in negative remarks with the commenter
    4. You do not react at all

    Cherkasy Collegium "Berehynia", Ukraine

    Which of the following varients is NOT a right way to handle cyberbullying?

    1. Ignore those people or just block them.
    2. Inform the patforms' admins.
    3. Send a bullying message or post in return.
    4. Take screenshots and show to your parents or teachers.

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    What is your favourite app?

    Collège Joseph Calvet , Saint-Paul de Fenouillet FRANCE

    What is the legal age to have an instagram account ?
    a) 10
    c ) 18
    d) anyone can use it