
  • Project surveys and Analysis

    The students' evaluation survey

  • Surveys and Analysis


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    Analysis of project teachers' evaluation survey, part I

    13 teachers from Turkey (8), Lithuania (3), Italy (1) and the Czech Republic(1) took part in the survey. The most of them 92.3% are pleased to be in the project and would like to to do the same in the future.One of the main qualities, obtained throughout activities, cooperation, with 12 voices, is chosen followed by creativity and technological improvement (10 voices). Motivation and using different teaching methods have been developed too. Teachers appreciate the most working with such web2 tools as CANVA and Joomag. 84.6% of respondents agree that this project has helped to support students while distance learning,which makes the impact of it significant.

    Analysis of project teachers' evaluation survey, part II

    Being aimed at improving speaking skills our project has reached its goals as it is stated by 92.3% of teachers. 69% of them agree that one of the main methods of achieving it was arranging regular Zo om meetings for students. According to survey data 69,2 % of teachers - partners could successfully integrate project activities into the curriculum. On the whole,the project seems to be enjoyable, outstanding, aimed at collaboration and partnership for participants. In the future, arranging projects of such format, it is necessary to take into consideration the choice of tools for students' collaboration to make it more efficient for overcoming language barrier.

    Analysis of project pre- survey
    Teachers' evaluation survey
    Analysis of The students' evaluation survey part I

    It is seen that 70 students from five different countries participated in the survey. The age chart of the students varies between 13 -17. Gender distribution was found in this survey, in which 75.7% female students and 24.3% male students participated. In the pre survey, 98% of the students stated that they wanted to improve their English and that they wanted to participate in the project. In the evaluatıon survey, 93% of the students stated that they liked the project activities. This shows that our project is beneficial for the students and that the target was achieved at the beginning of the project.

    Analysis of the students' evaluation survey Part II

    In the evaluation survey, the students were asked what they liked best from activity topics such as presenting a meeting, creating a logo and voting, creating a video, discussing in the forum, creating a poster. 41.7% of the students stated that they liked poster creation activities. And 18.1% stated that they liked to introduce meetings. 15.3% stated that they like to discuss in the forum. 9.3% of them like to create videos. It can be said that approximately 40% of students enjoy speaking and forum activities, and approximately 60% of students enjoy creative activities such as creating video posters . It is seen that the most important claim of our project, the students, has achieved its purpose, which aims to use English by creating and communicating with fun.

    Analysis of the students' evaluation survey Part III

    ln the pre survey, students were asked in which type of activity they spoke best. 51.9 %of them stated that they were better in the dialogue type. 24% stated that they enjoyed the monologue presentation. Also, 18% of students stated that they like role play and language game. 12% of students preferred text discussion. In accordance with these preferences of the students, interactive activities with forum discussions and dialogue activities were implemented in the project.
    In the evaluation survey ,students were asked about their favorite web2.0 tool. While 30.1% chose canva, 4.1% chose mentimeter, 2.7% joomag, 52.1% Quizizz 60.3% chose kahoot. It is understood from here that web 2.0 tools were used in the project at a balanced and sufficient level and were introduced to the student.

    Analysis of the students' evaluation survey part IV

    Again , In the last survey ,students were asked whether they would like to participate in eTwinning projects in the next year .While 43.8% answered maybe, 43%. 8 answered yes I would like to. 12.3% students said maybe.
    When the students were asked in the assessment questionnaire whether this project helped them improve their English and gain motivation to learn, the answers received were; 52.1% is yes, very helpful. 39.7% maybe a little and 8.2% was no.
    In the evaluation questionnaire, the students were asked to evaluate the project in one word.These are ; Music,Nonexistent ,good,Cool,Useful,I like this project because I like use technology,instructive ,experience