

    The last schoolyear students from our school had an amazing chance to participate in Erasmus+ project in Sevilla. It was an amazing experience for everyone who was able to take part in. We traveled there in two groups, first one – my group went to Spain for one month in October, the other one in March but only for one week due to Corona Virus outbreak.

    Both groups stayed in Sevilla in Nervion Residence located right in the city centre, not very far from city’s iconic roundabout called „Gran Plaza”, around which you could find all the shops and restaurants you could think of. Ewa, one of the members of the second Erasmus+ group described the city as follows:

    „Sevilla is a very beautiful city and we’re happy we could visit it. During a bike trip we had an opportunity to see the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary, which was phenomenal. It has been build in a gothic style and very intimidating with other buildings around it. We were also riding around Maria Luisa Park and we were admiring the sumptuous sculptures. Another day we visited the Spanish Square with a fountain in the middle and a palace around, which is surprising with its size. You can find horse-drawn carriages there and buy a few souvenirs. Golden Tower, which offers a beautiful view of the city is also worth to be mentioned here. Local food was also delicious. Especially we fell in love with Churros and Paella. We heard also, that it’s worth to give a try to the „espinacas con garbanzos”, but unfortunately we didn’t have enough time for it.”

    We all can agree that Sevilla is a beautiful place but it was not all our Spain trip offered us. We travelled to various places across southern part of the country. First stop was Aracena, not far from the Portugal border, where we ventured an underground maze of caves spreading almost 50m beneath the ground surface (of course under a watchful eye of a guide) and had the opportunity to taste various types of ham – delicacies Aracena is famous for.

    Our trip destinations varied a lot and after roaming underground passages we went to Cadiz to taste Spanish sun spending almost all day long at the beach, sunbathing and swimming in the Mediterranean sea even though it was beggining of October. We liked that day that much we wanted to repeat it, so when we went to Malaga, we spent our day in similar fashion, but this time at the ocean instead of sea.

    We even visited England as Gibraltar is officially part of the United Kingdom! We had to go through passport check to be able to get to that territory, but everything went smoothly and in several minutes our group crossed the border. There we went through enormous runway, luckily without any planes setting off at that moment, and we climbed Gibraltar mountain accompanied by flocks of monkeys! The views up there were breathtaking and we were even able to see Africa coastline far on the horizon line.

    Though we travelled a lot the main purpose of Erasmus+ project was to give us opportunity prove ourselves in various apprenticeships. I myself worked as graphic designer creating animation for an Internet commercial but others worked in much different fields as programmers, computer service workers or even photomodels and journalists for advertising agency!

    I have to admit it was an amazing and unforgetable experience and I am sure everyone from both groups think the same. I definitely miss Sevilla and my time spent there and I hope in the future I will be able to visit it again.

    Ewa Wijata i Marta Kopycka

    ZSE Radom