'How would we tell the whole world the experience we are living now?' - The students of the class 2DT tell their opinion about the peculiar time they are living.

  • Let's tell the whole world about our experience at the time of Covid19...

    How would you tell the whole world about the experience you are living now?

    Some of the students of the class 2DT imagined to tell their children and other people about the experience they are living at the moment. Here are their thoughts and opinions accompanied by a picture.

    Elisabetta IIS Castiglioni - Covid 19

    I think, if I need to explain this experience, I will do it through a fairy tail.
    I would identify an angry person trough the red color, through blue a fragile one, through yellow a vain one and through green a stingy one. I would talk about a ‘Spirit’, that forced everyone to stay at home. Green would ask for advice to Blue, that would think about a project for a product distribution machine. Red would think of going out to tell him about his badness. The Spirit would ask him what he would learn from the experience and he would tell him about the collaboration of other colors, making Red more angry. The Spirit would say that the quarantine would finish and the other citizens would go out. Telling other colors, Red would know they corrected their flaws. So he would know collaboration is very important.

    Barbaro Stefano IIS Luigi Castiglioni 2°DT - Covid-19

    I spent the quarantine in peace, spending mornings in videolessons and afternoons playing and calling my friends. These days a lot of people have done different things… half of the Italian people have become chefs. Others have become marathon runners, still others made their dog take endless walks, just to go out. People went to the balconies to applaud the nurses to show others that they were part of the company, although then, of those who are working now in this period, it matters to only a few people.To conclude, no matter how long you have stayed at home and only done your duty as a citizen, there will always be people who will go out without a mask.

    Andrea IIS Canstglioni Covid-19

    If I have to tell my sons about the experience I had in this emergency, I would probably tell them about the time I spent playing on the computer. I can start teaching them not to imitate me and I would tell him that despite playing all the time I was actually bored enough because after turning off the PC I didn't know what to do because I couldn't go out and I couldn't do anything. if I had to describe this emotion with a color I would use grey. If they were in this condition, I would tell them not to worry too much because anyway, sooner or later, everything will end, then I would tell them to be creative and invent things to do but above all I would say not to stay too much on the computer as I do.

    Daniele IIS Luigi Castiglioni 2°DT - Covid-19

    It was 21 February 2020 when I left for the weekend for Rome. In those days, the infections had already reached their peak in China, and in Europe they had been the first infections of the famous Corona Virus.
    The idea that the virus could spread in oil slick, was not particularly present in us. Two days passed. On the way back I began to read some shocking news.
    The following evening, news arrived that the schools would be closed for the following week. That situation dragged on from week to week.
    The fears that were felt at the time were, for children to lose the year of school and for adults to lose their job. Finally, if I had to give advice to my children I would tell them to respect the rules that emanates the government and to rely only on those advice and not to fall into fake news.