Hello! I'm Emiliana Rufo.
I teach English as a Foreign Language in a Secondary School in Rome.
I've been teaching English for 16 years.
I'm specialized in developing ICT in the classroom. I like learning new things, I think life-long learning is the aim of a good teacher.
I like trying new methods to make my lessons interactive and I believe this digital period forces us to keep up with technological progress and I want to be at the forefront.
I am also eTwinning Ambassador. I'm so proud. I love my subject, my job and my students.
My personal website: https://emilianarufo.wordpress.com/
In this period of Quarantine I have tried to do my best for my students by using anything I know and I have studied about new methodologies and approaches, innovation technology, apps and softwares.
I haven't found any difficulties in creating lessons for my students because I am a Flipped Teacher and I have most of my lessons already organized in my Respository of Materials:
It isn't the same situation of being at school and having collaborative activities with students but I had the chance to develop my and my students' digital skills.
I'm meeting my students and colleagues on Google Meet and this is a way to keep in touch with reality.
I have my sons (11 and 8 yrears old) at home and I'm helping them to study and attend all the activities.
I had the chance and time to cook and dedicate myself to cakes and buscuits.
I had some time for my family and my hobbies (gardening) but the most of the time I'm staying in front of a computer screen, creating, writing, videorecording, HOPING that it would be good and sufficient for my students to learn at home.
That's why I want to share here some of the activites I did with my students: