Cultural QR code activity

  • Cultural information of Matera -


    Dear all, we, the BG-team, would like to present you the QR CODE about our town - TARGOVISHTE -

    and the QR code about our school PTG"Tsar Simeon Veliki" - Targovishte:

    The Bulgarian celebration of Baba Marta /Granny March/ Баба Марта/:

    You can read about it on:, and

    Or watch the pictures of this year`s celebration in PTG"Tsar Simeon Veliki" - Targovishte on: We hope our kind partners like it and why not surprize us with a QR code about it?!

    - This is a dance traditional Norman

    The Norman traditional dance are essentially Dancing and singing.

    Formerly, the opportunities to sing and to dance were numerous in Normandy:  on Tuesday-fat, the middle-fast, Saint Jean, harvest, beatings, rural parties, wedding, banquets, conscription, assemblies, etc....



    Dear Gianfranco and Leonardo

    I would like to know if it's possible to make a website with your students to host all cultural activity for BG_FR and IT team where we could open the link we want (school presentation, food and other ...) on our smartphone after flash QR code link ?


    -  we present the story of our high school in this slide show with the different technical and professional activities since 1926 until the start of the Erasmus + project.

    Look at the sixth slide show and can you tell us what is the brand and the commercial type of the vehicle .

    One clue : partnership between France and Italy.

    -  we want to present Norman gastronomy :

    - A typical recipe of Normandy : tripe made in Caen



    - Italian team show what sort of dance it would be look like :


    - French team sugest starting cultural activity by make dancing robot was used during meeting last year in Italy and suggest 3 music :


    - This activity, Stared online on Tuesday 24th November.

    Bulgarian, French and Italian's team participated a chat to discuss about :

    In the video below Italian students show a Materan traditional dish. 


    A short presentation of IIS "Pentasuglia" Matera


    The video below shows the possible movements executed by the robot.

    The YouTube video linked shows an example of dance:

    The Bulgarian team sends the following video showing children from Targovishte:

    The second video we send is of a professional dance club from Targovishte:

    We hope they are applicable to the robot and our partners like them.
    If any questions occur please do not hesitate to contact us. 

    Dear all

    We suggest a cultural idea, "the cultural dancing robot" : a robot programmed to perform dances of our three countries.

    Is it possible that the italiens do it with their robot, film it and post the video on the twinspace?

    We can give you french songs.