

    October 2015, learning meeting in BG:

    According to the questionnaire all the students enjoyed their stay, the food and the atmosphere in the host families.
    They said that welcoming at school, the activities in the labs, in “Zenon” factory were perfect, because they could understand everything and they were satisfied with the final products.
    Most of the students think that the week spent in Bulgaria improved their English.


    March 2015, learning meeting in IT:

    At the end of the international meeting held in Matera in March 2015 students were asked to answer a questionnaire evaluating their experience in the meeting and their awareness of European citizenship. In the document below you will find the detailed results of the survey:

    February 2015, learning meeting in FR:

    First learning meeting in France in February 2015, a statistical inquiry was led to measure students' evaluation of activities during the meeting AND their sense of European citizenship, among others. Find below this evlauation.