Celebrations in June

  • Maria Ines thank you for the badges!!!!!


    This is Yiannis and Lefteris wearing the spaning badges!!! Muchas garcias!!!!


    My pupils graduating!!!!!

    Visit Greece and meet the 50 shades of blue!!!!


    These are my year 5 students who greets you and wish you a nice holiday!

    These are my year 4 students who greets you and wish you a nice holiday!

    This is the tree made by the children in ceramics and usin the "raku" tecnique, in each piece of the branches there is the name of the student who made it.These are two houses that are looking at the tree, and at the other side of the tree there is the castle of Arrone who's looking at the tree too.Can you see the eyes and the mouths?

    This project is called "Arredo urbano", " town decoration"and it's very important to prevent vandalism in towns and cities.

    This wall wasn't so beautiful and clean before but the boys and girls involved in the project will protect it and they will try to keep it as beautiful as it is now.