5th activity: What's value?

  • https://www.facebook.com/events/1521822644757530/


    Ελληνικά: Η Αντιγόνη εμπρός στο νεκρό Πολυνείκη
    English: Antigone in front of the dead Polynices


    Talking about values

    Everybody knows Antigone heroine. Sophocles wrote this tragedy in ancient Greek and it was a scandal. Why?

    Actually because Antigone chooses to bury her brother although Creon and the laws of the city of Thebes prohibit it.

    But Why Antigone did chose to do it? She says she decides to act in the name of a law more ancient than Creon's law. She thinks that there exist values more important than Creon's values and she says they are natural values that no City could ever change. 

    Antigone wants to express this idea:  even if every city has own relativistic laws (Italian city, German city, Greek city), any city can transgress some Natural right, some Natural values that we can call UNIVERSAL values.

    What do YOU think about it?

    What would you have done in the shoes of Antigone? Why?

    Let's tricider your Ideas

    (review October 2015: unfortunately, our discussion on "tricider" is no longer available)    


    Everybody needs values to act, to choose, to decide what to do in  life. And you, what's your values? 

    You can type your choice in the format below. You can choose more than one value.

    What's your most important value?... at AnswerGarden.ch.