Impact in environment

  • The impact of plastic in the environment





    Plastic litter is a global problem!

    Co-productions between Serbia and Portugal.





    The impact of plastic in the environment is alarming!

    Visit our FORUMS or click on the pictures to read the articles.







    Help us spread the word and fight against this GLOBAL problem!

    Click on the image and join our group on Facebook.







    Arctic LIVE! 2016

    The fantastic Arctic adventure has begun!




    Plastic Oceans by Digital Explorer

    Digital Explorer is sharing lots of resources for us to explore. Take a look. ;)




    Portugal - We have been confirmed to this fantastic lesson LIVE FROM THE ARCTIC!!!



    Here's a summary of the fantastic Skype in the Classroom session we had last March 17th with Jamie Buchanon-Dunlop all way from the Arctic!!!

    - We talked to the Arctic!!! What a spectacular experience! :)


    Unfortunately, the student in charge of the recording (perhaps with the excitment of seeing a real explorer of the Arctic) forgot to press the RECORD button on the machine. That's why we only have a 3 second recording when we were saying goodbye! :(

    What a pity!!! This was simply a magical session! Jamie was very gentle, he explained everything to us calmly giving me time to translate to my pupils what he was saying (they are 6th graders so this is their second year learning English).

    Wish I could press REWIND and start that day again. This time I would make sure to have pressed the RECORD button myself before starting the session! Manuela Correia