Summary of joint activities - pdf

  • In mid-March I will put our documents online as pdf.

    Eva - International Fairy Tale.pdf


    The international story about Eva was created as a part of the eTwinning "Just the Job"  project by students from different countries. The aim of the story is presentation od professions from a child's perspective 


    Eva in the world of professions" is a multicultural story. Eva takes a gap year, lacks up and starts a big adventure. She takes on different jobs in different countries. She works and travel a lot. Her world is created by the students




    We realised that by working with other people we learn about their cultures and become able to explore new ideas and prospects. Options that would not have occurred to us before stand out as obvious if we understand how other people experience the world. This is why, I believe, it is so important for students to have a deeper global awareness and understanding of other cultures. This is why fostering global awareness and international collaboration in our classrooms are so beneficial to our students. However, in today's increasingly interconnected and globalised world, tradition is being supplemented by new and exciting ways to bring the world into our classrooms. Modern means of communication such as social networks and video conferencing can ensure that our students experience foreign cultures with unprecedented ease. 

    We want to enable students to get to know other countries' cultures for better professional mobility.



    Presentation of typical professions in your country.

    Just the Job.pdf


    Regards Joanna :-)


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