About the project

  • About the project

    Fostering global awareness and international collaboration in our classrooms. Modern means of communication such as social networks and video conferencing can ensure that our students experience foreign cultures with unprecedented ease.

    We want to enable students to get to know other countries' cultures for better professional mobility. 

    -Development of key competences: language, IT, learning, initiative, cultural expression, social and civic.
    -Learning how to be open to a changing world with its diversity.
    -Treating the world as a global village
    - Getting to know professional opportunities in other countries
    -Implementation The European Pillar of Social Rights
    -Making students cosmopolitan citizens of the world

    1. Introducing Ourselves ( short videos, photos, drawings, etc ) 12.2019-01.2020

    2.Presentation of typical professions in your country. ( 01.2020-02.2020)
    - Younger children draw, teenagers draw and description. Poster form in the group and placement on twinning space.
    - Show partner photo and discussing about differences in classroom.
    - Upload photos on twinning space

    3.Exchange of photos from the typical lesson. (02.2020)
    -Show partner photo and discussing about differences in classroom.

    4 .„My dream Job” (02.2020)
    - younger children drawing, older students story and drawing.
    - Upload annotated photos to twinning space

    5.Exchange of postcards with views of your/my country – post office (03.2020)
    - Show pictures at twinning space

    6.Power point presentation about your country placement on twinning space. (03.2020)
    - Discussing differences in classroom.
    - Show presentation at twinning space

    7) Ongoing evaluation on twinning space to quickly correct work

    1) The result of the project will be the development of Key Competences for lifelong learning.

    2) All works will be displayed on TwinSpace.

    3) Final products as an on line gallery , an active project.