Get to Know Your Partner

  • Before the project the Lithuanian group created a video to introduce themselves to the partners.

    "Get to Know Your Partner" is an introductory project. The students from both groups created Powerpoints about themselves and their countries.



    1. Information about the school we attend ( a short description, number of students, subjects we study, days of the week and hours of the day we attend school, school year: when it begins and ends)
    2. Food we eat
    3. Climate/weather we have
    4. Languages we speak
    5. Ways we greet one another
    6. Religions we practice
    7. Popular sports/games we play
    8. Holidays we celebrate
    9. Music we listen to
    10.  Rules of polite behaviour and ways we greet people


    Powerpoints from Raseiniai Viktoras Petkus basic school:



    Powerpoints of the Basque group: