Aspe - Spain

  • Hello!

    In this section I let you all the sentences our students created. For this activity we had the collaboration of 8-10 students and also 11 and 12 ones. As in our part of Spain we have two co-official languages, we have translated all the sentences into Spanish, Valencian and English.

    Spanish Valencian English
    Reducir es el primer paso para no contaminar. Reduir és el primer pas per a no contaminar. Reducing is the fist step to not contaminate.
    Cuando visites un paraje: no dejes huella!  Quan visites un paratges: no deixes empremta! When you visit a natural park: don't leave your footprint!
    Limpia el medioambiente. Planeta no hay más que uno. Neteja el mediambient. Planeta no hi ha més que un. Clean the environment because there's not a second planet.
    Cada uno tiene que poner su granito de arena. Cadascú ha de deixar la seua marca. Every person has to leave their mark.