M2 Water crisis

  • Guiding Question 

    Water crisis? Why is there a water crisis in the world?


    Find out about the water crisis in the world.

    Summarize the most important facts in an article.


    Watch the videos on this page.

    Write the article, communicate with your partners via email in the twinspace or via chat when you are online at the same time.



    Start your article here:

    In our body 60% is water.

    70% of the world is water.

    79% of the water is salty.

    2% are frozen.

    only 1% is fresh water that is for all of us.

    every 8th person is searching for clean water.

    just imagine we wouldn't have a shower, toilet ore clean water to cook.

    every day people walk miles to get clean water for cooking, drinking and washing.

    only 3 days you can survive whitout water.

    the time when the kids go to search for water they can't go to school.

    ervery 20 seccond a child dies because of illnesses caused by dirty water.

    Philip, Germany 


    It is widely known that lack of drinking water is a vast worldwide issue. Nevertheless, the facts shown in the above two videos are terrifying. Hundred thousands of people have to walk for at least 3 hours a day so as to reach the closest river, lake or ever swamp so as to collect water which will eventually make them ill, since it is usually full of germs. I was deeply sad when I realised that every 20 seconds a child dies from a water- related illness.

    Eleftheria, Greek e-twinning team



    Dear Eleftheria,


    we felt the same. It’s a shame and we feel so helpless.

    For our art exhibition we need 5 sentences that come out of the water tap sculpture.

    Do you have any suggestions?

    We want to use:


    1. Every 20 second a child dies from a water-related illness.
    2. You can survive only three days without water