November Activity / 1st Learning Mobility in Thessaloniki


    At the end of this month, our Project's 1st Learning Mobility took place in Thessaloniki, Greece and more in the premises of our partner school, 61st primary school of Thessaloniki. Below you can see a photo collage with snapshots from this wonderful, productive but tiring week made by our polish partner school. In the centre you can see the "family photo" in the beginning of the week. 






    The pdf file of the Greek school's presentation about the Project....


    This is the pdf file of the Greek coordinating school's presentation about the Project .. 


    The basic rules to follow when we design a Mind Map as we wrote them down after Kimon Kambouropoulos' 2 learning workshops. Mr Kambouropoulos is our external project partner / mentor on Mind Mapping and we have to admit that we now can create Mind Maps in another, more accurate way. 


    This is the winning Project logo of all 6 contestant logos that were voted. It belongs to the Turkish partner, Sefkat Ilkokulu in Usak, well done partners!!