6. Events and media coverage


    C3 mobility took place in Montesarchio - Italy from 17 to 21 February 2020 in the context of the Erasmus + KA 219 MATHS EVERYWHERE project.

    One of the main activities was the MATHS TREASURE HUNT which developed in three phases and in three different locations.

    Phase 1 in the IIS FERMI's school, phase 2 inside the Castle of Montesarchio, that hosts the caudino archaeological museum, phase 3 in Naples in the scenario of the castel dell'OVO.

    The treasure hunt was organized by the IIS E. FERMI of montesarchio and a team of 6 mathematics teachers collaborated. Mathematics, algebra, geometry and logic problems were created for pupils that attempt the two years of high school (14/16 years old). Each phase proposed problems that only if solved correctly allowed to pass to the next step.

    n. 6 teams of pupils, made up of pupils from different countries played the game: Spain, Latvia, Turkey, Greece, Italy.

    We publish the video of the treasure hunt produced by the IIS FERMI of Montesarchio:
