• Policeman : Introduce yourself and tell me when everything began.


    Enzo : My name is Enzo. I'm 15 years old. Because of my difference I was judged, maybe because of my style and my behaviour. I'm not like all boys of my age. I had hair dyed in blond. I wore x-tra large t-shirts, skinny jeans and small boots.


    I arrived in a new district. I took the bus for the first time. When I was at the bus stop. I heard whispering and there were insistent looks, I felt ill-at-ease.


    One day, a boy with his group whom I heard whispering came to see me. The leader began to talk to me and he asked me about my sexual preference. I didn't want to answer him and I lowered my eyes and they laughed at me.

    The leader insulted me of ''homo'', ''Suck di*k''. The bus arrived. The next day, I said to my mother that I was sick. I didn't go to school during a few days. When I went back to the bus stop, I saw them, I was shaking. They looked at me with mocking smiles.

    I heard them, they shouted '' There is the homo guy'' and everybody insulted me.

    And everyday it was the same thing over and over again.


    La police n'a pas beaucoup pour aider. Je me sentais malade et je refusais de sortir de ma maison meme pour acheter du pain. Je ne voulais pas faire du sport et personne ne voulait etre mon copain ou me parler. J’etais vraiment tres seul jusq’au jour ou j’ai fait un reve. J’ai reve d’un ange qui s’appellait cory. En parlant a Cory, j’ai compris que ce n’etait pas un probleme d’etre homosexuel! Je faisais souvent ce reve et ca m’a donne confiance en moi.

    Plusieurs mois plus tard,je n’avais plus confiance en moi et j’ai decide de parle a un eleve de ma classe. J’ai raconte mon reve d’une personne ‘en or’ qui ressemblait a un personne de James Bond. Le groupe s’est moque de moi mais le leader leur a dit de se taire. Il s’est approche de moi et j’ai eu tres peur car je pensais qu’il allait me frapper. En fait, il m’a dit qu’il avait fait le meme reve que moi dans le passé. Nous avons rigole car on a realise que nous partageons la meme passion sur les films de James Bond.

    Le leader Paul s’est excuse d’avoir ete homophobe et de son comportement. Nous sommes devenus des amis et maintenant Paul est gentil avec les autres eleves.



    This story was written by Julie, Noa, Loris, Victor and Clara.

    La fin de l'histoire a ete ecrite part Iris, Esme, Nancy et Billy