• -Hello Kyle

    -Hello Kenny

    -I need to speak of something to someone.

    -OK I'm listening if you want.

    -Yesterday I was playing video games when I was insulted by some people on social networks

    they insulted me of 'ugly' or 'you don't have a soul'. Now I'm afraid to go on social networks but I love them.

    -Why were you insulted ?

    -Because I've posted a photo on which I have red hair, everyday iI receive bad messages.

    -Don't listen to them !

    -Yes but by dint of being insulted I'm desesperate

    -You can speak of that to your parents.

    -Yes I can but I don't want my parents to stop the internet connection.

    -You have to make a complaint to the police because bullying is punished by the law, you know.

    -Yes I can go to the police, I'm very scared and I'm too weak so I can't go to the police alone

    -I can go with you if you want.

    -Oh thank you ! You're such a very good friend !


    Kenny est alle a la police pour expliquer son probleme la police a dit a Kenny de confronter son probleme et les personnes qui sont mechantes

    Kenny- bonjour jennie

    Jennie- beurk c’est Kenny

    Kenny- je veux parler de moi et comment me sens

    Jennie- ok…

    Kenny- je naime pas quand tu es mechant et m’insulte en ligne! Ca me rend malade

    Jennie- desolee, c’est pour blaguer

    Kenny- et bien, ce nest pas drole et arrête de m’appeller rouquin

    Jennie- ok c’est bon!

    Kenny- j’aimerais que tu sois plus sympa avec moi et en ligne

    Jennie- je suis desolee, jai pas realise que tu n’aimes pas ca . je vais arrêter

    Kenny- amis?

    Jenny- amis pour la vie!

    Kenny et Jennie sont devenus des amis et ont regle leur probleme en se parlant. Ce n’est pas facile mais  la communication est tres important. Voila la morale de cette histoire.

    This story was written by Léo, Mehdi and Gabriel.

    La fin de l'histoire a ete ecrite part Daisy, Phoebe et Kai