Košice, Slovakia

  • Children from Slovakia drew projects and tried to predict what the machines do. 


    Everybody loves to travel and discover new countries, but travelling is harmful to the environment. So we have come up with the simulator in which you feel like you are on vacation and having a rest, but you will not have to leave the house. 

    So thanks to the Holiday simulator, you can have a vacation and save the environment, too! 



    We all know that there is a lot of rubbish in the oceans that kills the animals and plants that live in the water. That's why we invented a special mower that collects this garbage and saves the animals that live in the water. 




    We know that waste separation is an important thing. But a lot of people don't do it because it takes more time and sometimes they don't know which material belongs where. 

    However, we have invented a thing that sorts the garbage instead of you and can make new cans from used cans as bonus. 



    PLAN C 

    Trees make oxygen, but a lot them are cut down every day. So we came up with an invention that will plant new trees very quickly. The pots have a special shape. 

    Tree seeds are planted in these pots. Because they have special shape, they are mass-thrown off the plane. The combination of their shape and high-quality soil will ensure that tree planting will be faster. 

    Unfortunately, we have not figured out yet how to speed up the growth of trees.