Safe Internet, Data Protection and Netiquette

  • Hello, my dear colleagues. 

    Just wanted to remind you, how important is internet safety and data protection of our pupils. 

    I hope we know, how important it is to guide our pupils to be safe and responsible when they're online. 

    Here are some important rules to remember and have safe eTwinning project for us and for our kids at schools. 

    1. Be aware of guidelines and policies set by your employer as they can be different from state to state, from country to country and from school to school. 

    2. Teach and remind your pupils basic internet safety tips and teach them how to avoid plagiarims, how to follow copyright rules and how to use search engines effectively

    3. Protect your own digital reputation - simply - don't put everything online - this is the rule you have to follow and teach your pupils, too - internet is not their diary

    Don't forget to follow GDPR rules. 

    And what about netiquette? 

    Remind your pupils how important is to follow netiquette rules. I think, these are the most important: 

    1. Make yourself look good online - grammar matters!

    2. Respect other's privacy - don't publish without permission

    3. Remember the human - do not harm 

    4. Online life reflects real life - follow the rules, be ethical

    5. Check your opinions and emotions - argue ideas, no people

    6. Share expert knowledge - share experience, create summaries

    Of course there are lot more :) If you have time, show your pupils how much is netiquette important nowadays. If you're interested, I've prepared short quiz with several questions :)

    Thank you :)

    P.S. Don't  allow possible problems stop you from making the most of technology :)
