Arangoya, BILBAO, Spain


     Bienvenido!!! Welcome!!!  Centro Educativo Arangoya Ikastetxea is a post-obligatory school where our Baccalaureate students get ready to face the challenges of the European High Education Area (EHEA).

    We are delighted to launch the activities this Project requires as we firmly believe in the endless array of opportunities the world of STEM entails for our students. Thus, we will publish students' materials as well as teaching resources on this web so as to share our academic day-to day approach with our partners. 

    Our path towards STEM started last academic course. Thanks to a project Arangoya launched with the support of the Basque Government Education Department, our students had the opportunity to develop several activities and attend a complete list of events and venues that approached them to STEM and helped them get to know professional women who work at STEM field. The project was entitled: "Zientzia eta gizakion garapenari emakumeek egindako ekarpena: diziplinarteko ikuspegia Batxilergoan / Contribución de las mujeres al progreso científico y social: un enfoque interdisciplinar en Bachillerato / Contributions of Women in Science and Social Issues: An Interdisciplinary Perspective among Pre-university Students".

    We have already launched several activities. Among them, we would like to hightlight the following: 

    a. Hidden Figures. Task for all our Baccalaureate students. The aim of this activity focuses on deconstructing women silent roles at science and at main breakthroughs. Analyzing the roles of the three women characters, studemts have been able to highlight the importance of effort, resilience and motivation so as to achieve personal goals. Other important topics such as the support of a sisterhood, the attitudes of male work partners, the inequality at certain contexts or the major importance of long-life learning have also been considered by Arangoya students. A class discussion after watching the film has allowed pupils to deepen ideas and elicit vocabulary/structures in order to write, afterwards, their own critical point of view on the movie. 

    b. Invented animals. Students have created new, invented animals, they have drawn them and depicted them. Students' drawings are to be published on Arangoya Materials. Creativity is an important trait to be developed at STEM field, creative people tend to come  up with new, original ideas and constantly look for innovation and alternative solutions. 

    c. Maria Jammal speech. Interesting speech by Maria Jammal, expert on Psychology and Immigration who has recently received Princess of Girona Award. Jammal speech sums up an excellent communicative technique, a critical questioning on the issue of immigration to Europe and tackles with the need to provide psychological help to migrants. Jammal becomes an inspiring role model for teenagers. Her struggle to overcome adversity and prioritize others is an undeniable example for younsters. 

    d. Drawing Italian students and Physical description paragraphs. Students have learnt vocabulary and phrases that enrich their skill to describe people's physical appearance and have drawn Italian pupils after reading their own descriptions. This has enabled students to get closer to European partners and be looking forward to meeting them.

    e. Quizes on Spain. Supplying answers to Czech Republic and Italy quizes. Great group tasks that have contributed to blur barriers among students and countries. These tasks can become a precious starting point for other Erasmus projects. 

    f. Light Speed project. An endless list of activities make up this project. Our Educative Community has got fully  involved and thanks to it, among others, students have benefited from the knowledge of a retired teacher, the commitment of families to open their homes to video recording and developing of different materials and teachers' team work (different areas working together: Technology, Chemistry, Maths, Anatomy, English...


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