Inner peace is so important in our life. If you want to spread the love all around you, start with small acts of kindness.
Feel free to add your contribution here in our common Google doc. Fill in the table with acts of kindness for your classmates. Then we will create our online roulette and everyone can use it daily in order to spread the love in school.
If you like you can create as well roulettes for your family, friends etc.
You can dowload the app for adroid App: Decision Roulette
and for iOS.
Our roulette with the act of kindness is ready. You can dowload the file here
In order to spin the roulette you have to download the app in your mobile or your tablet.
First, you click on New Roulette
Then you click on Import
Finally you choose the file (decisionroulette_20200220220941) you have already downloaded from here
You are ready to spin the roulette and choose your act of kindness!
If you have problems with decision roulette app you can use and create your own wheel
Do you want to try our new peace wheel?
Just press the PEACE WHEEL