Kulinarske aktivnosti (Culinary activities)

  • https://youtu.be/culLF3CbTAs - Poppyseed pasta is served in our area as a warm appetizer and in some parts as a dessert. We call this dish MAKVAČI.


    https://youtu.be/k9R9439YMkI - Traditional Croatian dessert called ŠTRUKLI


    These three photos show our student Vanja cooking flour and egg soup.


    My lunch: roast chicken and pasta we call MLINCI.


    Our largest and most famous food factory is Podravka. You could see her in our photos. It is known for a lot of fine products, and the favorite baby food is Čokolino, whose mascot is teddy bear Lino. Tea and Katarina prepare it for you. When you come to Croatia you will taste ČOKOLINO.