Meeting a Cundoctor - Train Sation, Wrocław, Poland


    Stampelki, Wrocław, Poland

    We visited Train Station - Wrocław Leśnica. We met a conductor and we asked Her few questions. We found condutor's whistle very interesting. The conductor blew it and whsistled when the red light changes into green and the train could leave the station. Next we met The Railway Dwarf of Leśnica who keeps his eye on everything at the train station :) We also vesisted old station Building with the waiting Room - we found there a beautiful mosaic floor. And we check the arrivals and dupartures on the Information Board. We were very careful and kept ourseves safe during our visit.

    We look forward to see Your Tarin Station and RailwayMen.

    Railway Dwarf of Leśnica

    Train Station Waiting Room