International Groups Questionnaire

  • Team 1 REDUCING

    Greece:  Georgia, Anthony, Zinovia, Marina, Theodore, Michael, Kyriakos, George, Nefeli

    Serbia: Nikola, David, Milica M, Lenka, Milan, Anastasija

    Spain: Marina, Sara, Santos, Leo

    1. Do you use plastic bags when you go shopping?

    2. Do you take fabric bag with you when you go to the supermarket?

    3. Do you reuse paper and cardboard?

    4. Do you turn the light and heating off when you exit the house?

    5. Do you use plastic cling film to cover the food?

    6.Do you use disposable plastic bottles or reusable water containers?

    7. Do you buy new things when you don’t like them or when they break? Exampe:toys, clothes, pencil case, shoes

    Team 1.docx



    GreeceLefteris, Despoina, Helena, Jim, Angel, Anthony V, Bill (Vasilis)

    Serbia: Sofija, Danica, Nadja, Vuk, Amelija

    Spain: Cloe, Irati, Duvan, Cristina

    1.Are there any animals in danger in your country?

    2. Name three animals in danger in your country.

    3. In your country, is it possible to help animals in danger?

    4. How does you country help animals in danger?

    5. What animals are extinct in your country?

    6. How can we help animals in danger?

    Team 2.docx


    Team 3 - Reusing 


    Danae, Marialena, Nickolas, Alexandros and Nick, Nickolas A, Tasos, Irina, Chris-Phylip, Babis and Nick O.


    Todor Dusan Veljko Masa Marko


    Miguel P Carla Dani Matias

    1.Do you use plastic bags? Yes No

    2. Do you use wrappers to carry your school snacks which you then trhow away?

       Yes No

    3. Do you reuse plastic bottles? Yes No

    3. Do you donate or give away your old clothes, shoes, schoolbags and pencil cases when you don't need them? Yes No

    4. Do you reuse cardboard paper, packages or the remains of other materials to make 

       handicrafts? Yes No

    Team 3.docx

    Team 4 Renewable Sources of Energy


    Aphroditi, Stamatis, Konstentina, Aimilia and the Anti-Racist Club (Matina, George, Helen, Spyridoyla, Panagiotis, Cleo_)


    Lira, Maksim, Ivan, Mihailo, Miaden


    Alba, Lucia, Miguel S., Daniela

    1. Do you use renewable sources of energy at school or at home? Yes No

    2. Which renewable source of energy is the best for your country? a. Solar energy b. Hydropower c. Wind power d. Biomass d. Geothermal energy

    3. Is it possible to fully change from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy? Yes No

    4. Do you know anyone who uses an electric car? Yes No

    5. Does your town/ city have an electric tram or metro underground train which runs on electricity?  Yes No



    Marco, Mario G., Noelia, Sheila, Teodora, Milica K, Andrej P, Lazar, Jovan, Luka, Eirini, Housein, Anastasia, Timotheos


    1. Is the winter hotter? Yes/No/I don't know
    2- Were there more big storms in last few years? Yes/No/I don't know
    3. Are the storms milder or stronger nowadays? Yes/No/I don't know
    4. Are you worried about floods in your city? Yes/No/I don't know
    5.  Do you have lightning rod in your house to prevent lightning from storms? Yes/No/I don't know
    6. Do you leave your houses when there are floods? Yes/No/I don't know
    7. Are you worried that the Nort Pole melt? Yes/No/I don't know

    8. Do you have lightning rod in your house to prevent lightning from storms? Yes/No/I don't know

    9. What climate changes do you know? Can you name 3?
    10. What can you do to prevent climate change? Can you give some ideas?

    TEAM 5 questioaniare.docx



    Bárbara, Favour, Edgar, Mario F., Elena, Višnja, Jovana, Jasmin, Andrej V.

    1. Do you recycle at home? Yes/No/I don't know
    2. What type of trash do you recycle at home?.  
    3. Do you have different recycling bins at home?
    Yes/No/I don't know
    4. If yes, how many do you have?
    5. Do you think that recycling is an important activity?
    Yes/No/I don't know
    5. What do you recycle   the most :paper and carton or plastic?
    .Is it hard to recycle? Yes/No/I don't know
    7. Do you like recycling? Yes/No/I don't know
    8. Do you like recycled made things? Yes/No/I don't know
    9. Do you have special recycling bins for small electrical appliances, batteries, lamps and composting in your school/ neighbourhood? Yes/No/I don't know
    10. Do you have recycling bins   for paper in every class? Yes/No/I don't know

    TEAM 6 questioaniare.docx