The project work

  • LT: The most attractive and popular professions of the future, collected by Lithuanian students




    LT: "Choose a profession" 

    On May 9-19, 2022, our progymnasium students Mantė Šimkutė and Vainius Mineikis participated in the regional competition "Choose a profession 22" for students of grades 8-12 organized by the Klaipėda Ernestas Galvanauskas Vocational Training Center. 
    The aim of the competition is to provide an opportunity to get to know various areas of employment, the peculiarities of the profession and career opportunities, to develop professional motivation and to plan a future career. 
    In this competition, Vainius took the 2nd place and Mante the 3rd place and won the diplomas of the competition! 




    LT: "Try the profession"

    In 4th of February, 2022, the students of Gedminai progymnasium had a day "Try the profession", as part of Erasmus+ project. 
    On this day they learn some facts about data scientist and software engineer professions. During workshop, students collect information about Baltic signs and patterns. After presentations they made own t-shirts with their favorite Baltic signs. 



    LT: "Project Fair 2020"

    18 February The fifth national exhibition of projects of educational institutions - mini-training "Project Fair 2020" took place at Klaipėda Gedminai Progymnasium.  The aim of this event is to provide opportunities for exchange of good practices in project activities, to present the benefits of projects to the community, to reveal and publicise the contribution of project managers and participants of projects financed by various funds to the improvement of the quality of education.  Teams from pre-school, general education, non-formal education institutions and colleges took part in the fair, presenting more than 100 projects at different levels.
    Gedminai Progymnasium students presented their projects at the Fair - eTwinning project "Compelling and healthful learning", Nordplus projects "Human Rights: Promoting Citizenship" and "21st Century Lesson", Erasmus+ school exchange partnership projects "Learning Differently!" and "Occupy the future".


    LT: An evening get-together

    A get together meeting of Erasmus+ project "Occupy the future" participants was held in Progymnasium on 18th December. 
    The students participating in the project presented to their parents what they have already done, what they have learned and learned during the project, what activities are still waiting for them in 2020, and shared their impressions from international educational activities.
    After congratulating the participants of the event, which has already become a traditional event, the director of the high school, Aurelijus Liaudanskas, invited them to a festive battle of minds. Interesting questions, Lithuanian folk games so involved the students, their parents and teachers that the time imperceptibly melted away. Participants took lessons on how to dance partners’ folk dances and play games.




    LT: “Labyrinth of Professions”

    On November 14, 2019, the team of 6th graders of our progymnasium "Fablab. Creators of the Future ”- Kamilė Kurlinkutė, Augustė Tarailaitė, Aistė Janukonytė, Jusvita Riaubaitė, Vainius Mineikis and Povilas Mačiuitis, under the supervision of IT teacher Gediminas Jonauskas, participated in the career development competition “Labyrinth of Professions” that was organised for the 6th grade students from Klaipėda general education schools. This competition aimed to stimulate students' interest in the world of professions, to guide students towards active career development, to develop career management skills, to familiarize students with study opportunities in Klaipeda and to encourage them to pursue a career in their hometown. The team of Gedminai Progymnasium took the third place among thirteen other teams. All members of this team are also involved in the Erasmus + Key Action 2 School Exchange and Partnership project "Occupy the Future", which aims to raise students' awareness of future occupations and employment and provide them with the skills to plan their careers effectively.