Day 1 - Monday, May 16th

  • On the first day we welcomed the German and the Spanish delegations at school. The Mayor of the city, and the local counciloor for culture both attended the meeting in the school hall and gave the teachers some bookd about Pontedera and its main landmarks. 

    After that, the Italian pupils took the two delegations around the school, while in the second part of the morning we did some roleplays which helped the students reflect on some situations girls and women may find themselves in at some point in their lives. The pupils filmed the roleplays and we presented the videos in the conference hall.


    In the afternoon the students went to Pisa and worked in groups to discover the secrets of the cathedral square and some local traditions and supersticions.

    While one group was following an English speaking guide, the other did the activities, then the two groups swapped.



    Some photos of the guided tour in the Cathedral Square



  • Activities and photos

    Role Plays
    Discover the secrets of the cathedral square
    Mansplaining or Girslplaining?

    One of the role-plays deals with a situation where a woman wants to buy some tools that are usually considered for men

    An inappropriate question in a job interview
    Catcalling in the park

    Here is another of the role-plays

    Our body, our choice
    first day in Italy