Ruse - Bulgaria

  • In the time period 12-15 of November 2019  in Ruse was held the First Training Meeting of the project AITJobs. The meeting was for four days, and the teachers and students from every partner countries were present.

    According to the preliminary approved plan, the first two days were intended for the training of the students. The training was held in six training sessions, two in Tuesday afternoon and four in Wednesday. The Tuesday morning began with the presentation of the partners, after that with the creation of the six international teams. The international teams were created by combining two students from two different countries, randomly. After the lunch, the training sessions begun as follows:

    • First Topic – “5G Network”. The regional manager Dragomir Dobrev, has presented some information about the history of the 5G network.
    • The Second Topic – “Banking” – Future, new currency, new technologies, was presented by Stela Zlatilova, from DSK bank – Ruse.
    • The next day the four sessions were held in Siemens Room, in the University of Ruse. The following topics were introduced:
    • “Office of the future” by Ayri Memishev, from Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
    • “Electron Trade and Commerce” and “Development and Protection of Personal Data”, introduced by Nikola Ilchev.
    • In the afternoon, Martin Panayotov introduced the topic “Artificial Intelligence, Possibilities and Perspectives”.
    • The training day finished with the sixth session – “Cloud Technologies” by PhD Magdalena Andreeva – RU Angel Kanchev.

    All of the topics were viewed in the context of their influence upon the jobs of the future and the need for their specific education.

    In Thursday the created project teams has gone through a training for Soft Skills/Teamwork and Timing/, which was conducted by the school counselor Ekaterina Yordanova. The second stage of their training consisted of the introduction of the possibilities of the Cloud Technologies, and their usability at long distances. The training was conducted by students from the 9th grade from FPS “Leonardo da Vinci”, under the guidance of the teachers – Viliana Molnar and Galya Aleksandrova. In the afternoon, to each of the teams, were given computers, laptops and tablets, for the creation of their own presentations on each of the topics, chosen randomly.

    On the 15th of November (in Friday) all of the six international teams have presented and defended their thesis for the future of the jobs and their needed education, in each of the six topics. All of the teams had an excellent presentation.


    The offices of the future important.pdf


    artificial intelligence.pdf

    5G and its future.pdf