Project Presentation


    The project comprises a partnership between high schools with the idea to exchange students so that they become aware of the jobs in the contemporary highly -digitized world and working environment, the challenges concerning their employment and the jobs which they are expected to practice after they graduate from school so as to be relevant and responsive to the labor market needs and employers' expectations. Students will get real life experience in working environment which deals with the use of high technologies in various fields, such as health and health care, tourism, finances, engineering and industries and others. 


    The aim of the project is to make students aware of their professional realisation in the fast-pace developing world and to realise what and which skills, which educational sphere and the related competences they will need so that they will be successful on the labour market in the years to come and to be able to plan their own career paths.


    E-Twinning live meeting have been intended, on which the sudents are expected to discuss opinions and problems, concerning the jobs of the future. Our vision for the time schedule is as follows:

    • First meeting - November 2019,
    • Second meeting - March 2020, (suspended)
    • Third meeting - September 2020, (suspended)
    • Fourth meeting - November 2020, (suspended)
    • Fifth meeting - February 2021, (suspended)
    • The last meeting is to be held in April, 2021, (suspended).


    The project outcomes will be a White and a Red Cards of the professions and information about them. The White card will include information about the future jobs, the Red card of the jobs which have become extinct or are threaten of extinction and the reasons for that. The project is also important for teachers who have to train and teach the students and the participant teachers will work collaboratively for the creation of a collective book for teachers, containing good practices with elements of project-based education for global education and the influence of the artificial intelligence, robotization and new technologies - European dimenstions in the professions of the topics in each direction.