
  • Task one:

    Please introduce your Mascot and your school.

    You can do this by adding to the Padlet in the pages.

    Please follow the example left by the UK team.

    Task two:

    Logo competition in our schools.

    • Each class will design a logo as part of their art lesson. The logo must include a theme of Inclusion and Cultural Heritage.
    • In our schools we will then have a vote to see which logo we will choose to  submit from our countries.
    • Each school will then submit their final entry onto the twinspace.
    • Each country will then vote on which logo they prefer, they can not vote for their own.
    • The schools will then vote the winning entry on the pole below.
    • The Logo with the most votes will be chosen as our project logo.

    Task three

    Baseline Activity

    How much do the children in your school know about the culture of your local area.

    All the materials have been shared in the pages that Barton used.

    Task Four

    Mascot Diary

    Use the Mascot Diaries to share the ways you are embedding our project into the curriculum and through your every day lifes in school. We can use this to learn from each other and share our ideas and practise.

    Task five

    Share any good ideas you have to support creating an inclusive classroom.

    Task six

    Children to write a song about our cultures and where we see ourselves in 10 years time.