


    Hello everybody!

    This is the introduction of a ciberbullying story.

    This story has no argument and no final, so you have to add that.

    You have to add new characters or new places in the argument you are going to write

    We only ask you to think about the argument and write it, we can plan the video when we get together in February or September


    Renars: person who shares the intimate video
    Helena: ciberbullying victim


    Renars and Helena‘s class


    5 minutes


    All the things happen in the class

    Renars fancy his classmate girl called Helena but he only fancy her in the sexual way
    But Elena really loves Renars

    Renars start flirting with her, so that Helena falls in love absolutely.

    They started dating and Renars asks her to get an intimate video and she gives it the video

    Renars shares the video to all the classmates and it forms a really big problem that will decide the future of our characters


    Below this box, there is a forum in which you can add ideas for the rest of the story and we can plan it together there.

    So, go making your ideas and write it in the forum. See you!

    Cyberbullying Erasmus +