Welcome to Rezekne State Gymnasium No. 1

  • Welcome to our school -

    Rezekne State Gymnasium No.1



    • Rezekne State Gymnasium No.1 is a public educational institution, which provides second level elementary education (7th-9th Grades) and general secondary education (10th-12th Grades).
    • There are 398 students and 40 teachers in the school.
    • Rezekne State Gymnasium No.1 is the only school in Latvia, which has a collaboration with Goethe Institute. This enables students to further deepen knowledge of German.
    • Our school actively participates in various national and international activities and projects.
    • The main aim of the Gymnasium is to provide students with highly qualitative and competitive education. This helps to continue their studies during the next stages of education and develop their careers.


    Welcome to our city - Rēzekne

    • Rēzekne is known as the city built on seven hills. It is the 7th largest city in Latvia with the population of about 30,000 inhabitants.
    • The name Rēzekne was first documented in 1285 (in the German language as Rositten). However, the current version of the city's name, Rēzekne, was approved in 1920.



    The monument "Latgale's Mara" is a symbol of Rēzekne, which reveals the idea of freedom fights against the outside reign, nation's efforts to create and defend its state - Latvia.