Stephanie's Ponytail

  • As our world is a SUPER world, children in this world read a lot. They love reading as they learn a lot of new things through reading.A book is like a journey it gives us insights into different worlds, into different minds. Reading is enriching to our minds as we learn a lot from it. So that let's read and learn!

    Tasks on reading

    Task 1

    Read the story Stephanie's Ponytail and comment in the forum below on the given questions.


    Task 2

    There are some very young learners (from Romania) in this project who just started learning English. There is also a group of Romanian speakers who know good English. We thought they could still practice their literacy skills if we translate it in Romanian. 

    On the other hand there are some countries involved in this project and it would be nice to have it translated in 4 languages of the partners in the project. There is a version of the story in Google slides and the story is separated in parts. Work individually, in pairs or in small groups in your class to translate the story in your native language.