Greek_Corfu_book trailers_presentations

  • 1. Orestis and the basement

    2.War horse

    3.Without family

    4.Emilios and the detectives

    5.Santa Claus, will you do me a favour?

    6.Five kids and a robbery

    7.Santa Claus is me, you and everyone who has a heart

    8.Colour thief

    9.Love without borders


  • Which one do you prefer?
    War horse
    1 vote (33.33%)
    Without family
    1 vote (33.33%)
    Colour thief
    0 votes (0%)
    Santa Claus, will you do me a favour
    0 votes (0%)
    Orestis and the basement
    0 votes (0%)
    Five kids and one robbery
    0 votes (0%)
    Emilios and the detectives
    0 votes (0%)
    Love without borders
    1 vote (33.33%)
    Santa Claus is me, you and everyone who has a heart
    0 votes (0%)