• The other day I found this photo on the Internet. It's a beutiful Christmas wreath!

    We can create a collaborative Christmas wreath with the template I have uploaded in the documents under the name Christmas wreath.

    You can decorate the template with your students and upload the final drawing in the documents section, and here if you want to.

    Then, we will just have to print the drawings and decorate your door or school! 

  • Photos

    CEIP Santa Marta
    ZŠ Kamenice, Czech republic
    Y1 &2 make an Advent Wreath at Folkestone St Mary's UK

    They light the candles in assembly

    Advent Wreath

    Folkestone St Mary's UK


    Primary School Veliki Bukovec

    Christmas wreath Trapani - Sicily
    Christmas Wreath door decoration. CEIP Santa Marta.
    Hungarian snowman
    Hungatian snowman display
    Andriana Gorceag Moldova

    Expozitie de lucrari

    CEIP Hospital de la Cruz, Toro

    The whole school worked together!

    Buon anno

    Cari amici, sono Daniele di Trapani e vi mando tanti auguri di buon 2020. Oggi sono rientrato a scuola .

    Merry Christmas by Genoa-Italy
    Imran SUNGUR- Cakmak Sehit Mahmut Coskunsu Secondary School