Here we write about the actions we have taken to disseminate our project inside our school community and in our city. It can be a blog, posts in our school website, posters, presentations in school meetings, events and conferences as well as other actions.

During the school year, we added many pictures, drawings, tables and other data of our project on the eTwinning board in the english classroom, so all the school pupils were able to look at the project pictures! They were actually very interested in it!

At the end-of-school year celebration, a stand presented our project's information and many drawings while a PowerPoint presentation included all the details with numerous pictures from all the tasks and all the partners.

Throughout the year, information on the project was given in Greek in the blog here.

We described our project tasks and presented the final products during our staff meetings, parents' meetings as well as on our eTwinnning blog. You can read the posts here. We had also a project corner in our classroom.

We made a corner of our eTwinning project at school with the latest news about every mission: photos, pupils' impressions, drawings, posters. We also presented the final products of "Green Missions" in school meetings for teachers, pupils and parents. During the school year our heros Greenie and Muddler, their behaviour and journeys were well known among the pupils.