
  • All people see the outcomes of the activities on the school website or online website, which coordinator school has set up and where teachers download all activities which have been done at schools. Each partners school had a google driver where download activities, photos and videos. Portugal school created e-twinning Let´s go increase skills of 21st century, where we show pictures and presentation are made of children.
    Teachers has written about Erasmus activities to the newspapers or online ( and and  and There are only examples of our articles online.
    All our articles, which we disseminated were uploaded on EPRP. We wrote a lot of articles to local newspapers or national newspapers.
    At the beginning of the school year the project was presented to the children at schools through the school broadcast.
    After the transnational meetings the participating children and teachers shared their experiences with other children and teachers and a some photographs from the meetings and some other information were displayed on notice boards or school corridors. We uploaded photos and videos  from transnational meetings or activities on e-twinning and Facebook and Google driver, what all of them was opened to all public.
    ICT teacher set up website and prepared google driver for outputs.
    The website was maintained by their ICT teachers and the information was supplied but the coordinator of the project as
    well as the participating teachers.
    Moodle: we used moodle for our learning.
    The school staff and the management were also informed about the ongoing activities by the project coordinator during regular meetings. There were also regular meetings with parents where the management of the school informed about the project activities. Twice a year there was the “Open Doors Day” when the families whose children were interested in studying in our school come and there they could see some of the outcomes and photographs on display and on the boards and talked to the children and teachers who  participated in the project and asked them about their experience with the project and the benefits the project brought to them.
    Each visitor to the schools could see the Erasmus notice board and a lot of the outcomes displayed.
    The school also published its own magazine, where the editors inform about the project. Children and all partners among themselves shared the experience on Facebook within the local community as well as with their new friends abroad.