LOCALS Stakeholders

  • ARCA is a consortium for the application of research and the creation of innovative enterprises, which has been active since 2003 and has exploited a partnership between the University of Palermo and a private entrepreneurial group committed to industrial research and technological transfer. In 2005 the Consortium started up the ARCA Incubator to promote and assist the generation of innovative business initiatives. The incubator is located within the University of Palermo campus, covering a total area of about 1,500 square meters and is built around a system of common spaces (coworking areas, a kitchen, a lounge area, printing facilities), units for businesses, offices, staff and meeting rooms, training classrooms and technological laboratories. http://www.consorzioarca.it/index.php/it/

    Arpa Sicilia develops an activity for the environmental protection following the law, n. 132/2016. The particular interest of this agency regards: the environmental monitoring and the promotion of oriented-activity toward the sustainable development; the promotion of the environmental education including its management; the protection  and monitoring of the marine eco-systems and the cooperation with all private/public actors operating within this field; technical support to public offices and the management of the regional informative system for the environment. https://www.arpa.sicilia.it/

    Italia Nostra is an Italian not for profit campaigning organisation, dedicated to the protection and promotion of the country’s historical, artistic and environmental patrimony.  The organisation was founded in 1955 by a small group of people drawn from the Roman intelligentsia with the specific aim of opposing the projected demolition of part of the city’s historic centre. The promotion of an approach to urban planning which preserves sites of historic architecture has remained a focus of the movement; however, its interests have expanded over time to include the preservation of all aspects of Italy’s cultural and environmental heritage. https://www.italianostra.org/


    Slow Food Sicily has been growing steadily in recent years as an alternative to fast food and protecting ‘at risk’ unique food produce on the island. As part of the international Slow Food movement it promotes ‘good, clean and fair’ food. There are now more than 30 Presidia products from Sicily – that is, foods unique to a specific locality, have historically significance and thought to be at risk. Concerning Palermo and Monreale, Marilù Monte's presidia represents a good partner for our project. She is responsible for the "Susina Sanacore" presidia, a local traditional fruit that identify our territory within Slow Food organisation.