Tracing and shaping our linguistic cultural heritage: prose writers and journalists

In its second year of implementation, this multi-lingual cross-curricular project (Spanish, Italian, English, French, German, Portuguese) aims at developing, refining and widening our pupils’ language proficiency and to promote citizenship values by focusing on journalism and the language of the prose. Pupils will become aware of the transformative power of language (e.g. combating hate speech, creating an advocacy pitch for a non-profit organization); 2. They will present their literary cultural heritage to their partners and write creatively to continue this literary tradition; 3. Pupils will immerse themselves in an intercultural dialogue in game-based and project-based activities, 4. Pupils will explore the language of cyberspace and its various new forms of expression (e. g. turning a traditional story into a twitter story). Pupils will teach each other some basic communication skills in their mother tongue (Italian and Spanish). The project offers ample opportunity for digital and onsite collaboration and thus will empower pupils to become articulate, plurilingual, active citizens eager to participate in society in their role as responsible Europeans conscious of and united by their cultural heritage.

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