P9 - Our past

  • What was done

    Czech Republic - discovering the past of our city

    We have visited an open-air exhibition called STORIES OF OUR NEIGHBOURS showing important moments from 20th century history witnessed by Ostrava citizens. We studied the memories, shared what we learned and we will question our grandparents in a similar way.
    https://www.memoryofnations.eu/en - database of witnesses´ testimonies (Czech and English)

    Our past - history and traditions -Romania

    Visiting the Iassy museums of tradition and history with guided tour


    Visiting the Palace of Culture in Iassy where they could see old soldiers uniforms but also old way of living in Romania.

    Our past, Molde Norway

    Pupils have learned local history from World War II.

    Beata Kuczera

    Our past-old traditions in Silesian region- Poland

    P9 Sweden

    Our Past