
  • 1) we looked the pictures of characters and think of who are they, where do they live, what they can. What they have in common and what might be differences...possible problems. We created a mindmap each pupil one branch.

    To see a mindmap of a story see here: Mapa příběhu

    2) we devided into groups . Each group took one link from a minmap and wrote sentences on a paper.


    3) each team type their sentence into shared document and of course reedit it using google translater:) each team different colour

    Here each of czech teams put sentences. Each team different colour :Zde vlož věty

    4) we decided which partner will carry on...We gathered as many information as possible from twinspace about our partners and then we put a score to arguments...according critirias:

    A) communication level... reading letters:), answering messages on profiles

    B) how we enjoyed partners task kahoot, voki, pictires

    C) last access to twinspace

    5) as we ask our older classmates to put comments how to improve our part of a story....We saw they didn't know some words. we decided to create a picture dictionnaries

    Create a picture dictionary to each part of a story. Use

    (Vytvořte slovníček  ke své části příběhu pomocí zde:)







    Team 6



    we read all the other stories from our partners.

    reading our partner stories

     Once we wrote our part of a story we tried to improve our language level , so give our part to read our  elder schoolmates  and they corrected it.


    our schoolmate improving our language