Individual schools' reading experiences

  • Our reading experiences: share here events, readings etc. with your school or in your town so that others can be inspired!

    Kindergarten no 66 Poland - Our reading experiences

    We go to the library. We borrow books, listen to fairy tales read by guests. We have our own library in our room.we love reading books "Kicia Kocia". She's our favorite character !!

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  • Share here your experiences in reading so that others can be inspired!

    Reading experiences in Hungary:

    2020 is an important year for us. It is the 15th year, when we organize a Gianni Rodari day at our school, and we celebrate because of a special reason as well: Rodari was born in 1920, so 100 years ago.

    We had reading experiences:  fantastic poems made our days colourful...colours: yes, we have the same colours in our flag as our Italian friends!

    So, we celebrated with decorations, using our common colours, celebration (Hungarian pupils learnt poems in Italian language), we had exhibition, and...paintings by our pupils . It was a beautiful day! :-) 


    CEIP Plurilingüe Froebel  4th graders   were drawing the cover of their favourite book and their favourite character from this book at the Arts and Crafts lesson.

    They started drawing: 

    And finally the result looked great,as you can see.

    6th A graders from this same school were writing on twinspace  uploading their favourite book and writing in different project  forums like Harry Potter YES oR NO at their reading time .

    The children liked the activity very much as they were able to share their answers with different schools. 

    On the 16th of December, 5th and 6th graders had a very special storytelling session for kinders at the school playground.

    In January, we´ve been working with "The Snowman" book in different subjects: Spanish Language, Galician Language, English as a Foreign language and Arts and Crafts in English.

    CEIP Plurilingüe Froebel ,6th year graders have been working in groups to write The Snowman story. Each group will decide the text for two pages of the story.

    5th Graders have been trying Snowman book based games and had lots of fun.