• What's your ideal place for reading? Let us know!

    Some of us can read almost everywhere (on the bus, in a noisy room, in a waiting room, on a sofa... even in the toilet!). But we all have a favourite place. What's your favourite place of reading?

    After sharing our ideas, let us discuss them live in the videocalls, or in the forums!


    Places of reading collaborative ebook

    Hungary (Monika 2nd class) - Italy (Laura & Rossella, 1st & 3rd class)


    Places of reading - Sant'Andrea, Italy




  • All the partners - Places of reading

    Krzyś W

    My favourite place of reading is the brown sofa in my living room.

    Cristina Diaz. Palencia (Spain)

    My favourite place is my bed. Reading and sleeping at almost the same time 😅

    Laura, Italy

    My favourite place of reading is by the sea. I love it in summer, when the sun is shining, and also in winter. The sound of the waves makes me relax and really feel what I'm reading.

    SP 10 Warsaw class 4/2 favourite reading places

    Almost all grade 4/2 students like reading. What is your favourite place for reading? This was the title of their Polish classes written assignment. Students wrote in Polish about the places they feel most comfortable and happy to read. They were asked to use and underline recently learned adjectives.
    Some even made some pictures. These are usually their beds in their own rooms or sofas in the living rooms of the family home. Many children also enjoy reading in the school library. One student loves reading in a hammock!
    What about your students? Where do they like reading? Alicja Zarzycka

    SP 10 Warsaw

    A sofa is a very popular place to read.

    SP 10 Warsaw

    Hammock is one of the favourite places to read

    SP 10 Warsaw

    School library is a favourite place for reading for many of our students.

    SP 10 Warsaw

    I love reading in my yellow, comfortable armchair .

    SP 10 Warsaw

    I love reading in my room.

    SP 10 Warsaw

    I enjoy reading in a school library

    favourite place for reading Mimi N

    My favourite places for reading is my pink and white bed and school library. In the school library is very quiet. And my pink and white bed is favourite place for reading, becouse on the my bed is very soft.

    Iris Silva-Portugal

    My favourite reading place is my bed .w.

    Daniela Reis - Portugal

    My favourite place for reading a book is... everywhere! I like to read when I don't have nothing to do.

    Beatriz Pereira-Portugal

    My favourite place is at home when it rains, the place where I read is in my room.

    Sara Borges-Portugal

    my favorite place of reading book is everywhere. I can consent all over the place with a lot of noise because I'm used to noise.

    Jéssica Rebelo-Portugal

    My favorite place is my room.I read there because I feel comfortable.

    Margarida Cardoso - Portugal

    My favorite place for reading is a quite place.

    Sofia Saz - Scuola Madrid

    I like reading in my bed, because is so relaxzing I don't like reading on the metro, because there's too much noise and it 's moving.

    Lucrezia Scuola Madrid
    Dante Scuola Madrid
    Alessio Scuola Madrid

    My favourite place for reading is sofa, it's quiet

    Elisa Scuola madrid

    I don't like reading on the metro because there' s too much noise ans it's very crowded

    Seda Scuola Madrid
    Fabio Scuola Madrid

    My favourite place for reading is in my sofa, quiet. I like reading I don't like reading of the music

    Arianna Scuola Madrid
    Samuel Scuola Madrid
    Alessio Scuola Madrid

    Io e la lettura
    Oggi vi presento dove leggo,in che lingua leggo,se ascolto musica mentre leggo ecc.
    Vi voglio presentare “Il diario di Greg
    (esto es el colmo)``.Io alcune volte leggo a casa dei vicini e altre sul divano.Io mai leggo con la musica perché mi distrae.
    La lingua del diario di Greg e spagnolo ma anche esiste in italiano,inglese e in russo.
    Alessio 4 B

    Sofia S. Scuola Madrid

    Io quando leggo mi sento la protagonista del libro, perché sento le emozioni di ciascuna frase e imparo cose che prima non sapevo. I LIBRI MI RILASSANO!!
    Quando sto stressata, leggo un libro e mi tranquilizzo. Mi piace stare comoda quando leggo: leggere nel letto, nel sofa´o nella natura

    Vera Scuola di Madrid

    A me piace moltissimo la lettura e i libri. Quando leggo un libro nuovo profuma come un cartone di fiori. Quando leggo un libro mi immagino le storie i sentimenti e i colori. Io penso che sono un personaggio e mi metto nei suoi panni. Io quando leggo mi metto molto comoda. Mi metto con i piedi sopra la spalliera del sofà con la pancia in giù e con il libro appoggiato nel suolo. Altre volte, mi metto sopra il letto e mi appoggio come su una nuvola. Mi piace moltissimo leggere perché scopro storie che alcune volte sono fantastiche, ma altre volte sono vere di persone vere e fatti veri. Alcuni de i miei libri preferiti, per esempio, é “Sorride” e anche “Sorelle”. Sono 2 libri di la scrittrice Raina Telgemier.

    Adriano Scuola Madrid

    A me piace leggere nel letto, nella scrivania, nel divano ect. Mi
    piace leggere libri facili libri difficili ma quelli che più mi piacciono
    sono i medi ne molto facile ne molto difficile da comprendere .Mi
    piacciono i libri di intriga, quelli divertenti libri di paura, libri di
    Geronimo Stilton.
    Leggo in Italiano e in Spagnolo , leggo libri di filosofía, leggo libri
    interessanti, libri annoglianti, libri di moltissimi tipi, leggo al
    campo , leggo in macchina , leggo in citta , leggo in ospedale
    leggo in qualsiasi posto ma solo se ho un libro.
    A me sembra che leggere è un tesoro che non tutti abbiamo la possibilità di farlo.

    Dante Scuola Madrid

    Io leggo in molte maniere. Peresempio in letto.Ma sempre leggo da solo in silenzio é sempre a letto.
    Cerco delle maniere di stare da solo per le mie sorelle piccole che sempre cercano un modo di giocare con mé.
    Avolte mi nascondo nel mio giardino per essere tranquillo.
    Avolte cerco di parlare con i miei genitori per cosí loroposono giocare con le mie sorelle piccole e io leggo da il mio letto tranquillo e cosí tutti sono felic

    Leonardo Villa Bartolomea Italy

    My favorite place to read books is the sofa because now, in winter, there is the stove that keeps me warm

    Sofia Bersan Villa Bartolomea Italy

    My favorite place to read is the bed in my room


    my favorite place to read is school. Here I can concern myself and understand the text more easily

    my favorite place to read - Elia Villa Bartolomea Italy

    My favorite place to read is in my room or sitting in the chair, leaning on my desk or lying on the bed.

    my favorite place -Manuel Villa Bartolomea Italy

    my favorite place to read is my room.

    Lorenzo V (Italy)

    I like to read in the seasons of calm and tranquility, like the Summer on the beach in the heat of the sun

    My favourite place of reading

    I like reading . If the weather is nice, I like to be in our garden. I read in my room/in bed in winter :) . Mónika

    Our favourite place of reading


    Gabriele B.-Italy

    my favourite place for reading is my bed.


    my ideal place for reading is my bedroom


    In the evening, I really like relaxing my self!
    So, after dinner, I go to bed, which is a very quiet place, to read my books...
    It's amazing!


    My favourite reading place is of course my bed!
    It's so relaxing :) I love reading !

    Emma -Italy-

    My favourite place of reading is on the bad in my badroom

    Sara- Italy

    My ideal place for reading is in my badroom

    Tommaso - Italy

    My favourite place for reading is my bedroom


    My favourite places of reading is my bedroom

    Martina- Italy

    My favourite place of reading is my bedroom


    my favourite places of reading are: my sofa and my table


    my favourite place of reading is my bedroom


    My favourite place of reading is my bedroom


    my favourite places of reading are my bedroom and my swimming pool


    my favourite place is my bedroom


    My favourite place is my bedroom

    Alessandro - Italy

    My favourite place of reading is the public library.

  • Do you prefer reading while listening to music or do you prefer the silence?
    Reading while listening to music
    8 votes (23.53%)
    No sound - just reading
    26 votes (76.47%)