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    Draw and guess, Every country (Finland, Germany, Estonia, Latvia and Poland) is a team and plays as one player in the lobby. Skribbl.ios Idea is to pick one of three words that comes up when it's your turn, Then everyone else tries to guess the word. The more time it takes, the more letters will emerge from the guessed word.

    Red Light/ Green Light

    The "it" person stands at one end of the playing field, with the rest of the players at the other end. "It" turns their back to the others and calls out "Green Light!" The others then run as fast as they can towards "it." At any time, "it" can call out "Red Light!" and turn to face the others; and the others must freeze in place. If anyone fails to stop, they are out or must return to the starting line. The first player to reach the person who is "it" wins and becomes "it" for the next round.

    Kaera-Jaan, Estonian folk dance

    Team Estonia

    Maze Quiz About Poland

    Choose the correct answer and avoid enemies.

    Werewolf - easy cards

    V = villagers
    W (red) = werewolves
    W (purple) = witch
    H = hunter
    G = blinking girl
    A = Amor
    C = clairvoyant


    To play this game you will just need a pile of DIFFERENT BUTTONS (TREASURES) and A TOOTHPICK for each player.
    NUMBER OF PLAYERS: as many as there are seats around the table.
    RULES: The players sit around the table. In the middle of the table there is a pile of different size buttons. Each player has a toothpick and the game goes clockwise.
    One of the players starts the game by very carefully pulling buttons one by one from the pile. If some of the buttons get loose in the pile or drop, it's the turn of the next player to start pulling buttons.
    The game goes on until there are no more buttons left. The winner is the one with the most number of buttons (treasures) picked.


    Team Finland


    Team Germany
    game instructions


    A favourite game among students in Germany for 8 to 18 players