Dear influencers


    Step by step we are building our own opinion about Earth problems.. We are ready to sensitize other people. or promote on social media new and more sustainable ways to live. It’s time to share our ideas, to have fun while we play kahoots, participate in online meetings and plan how to influence the people around  us and outside our borders.



    Let’s celebrate the 22nd of April ,the Earth Day. Share your ideas in this subpage

    APRIL- SOS. Earth’s call. Let’s get help! VISITS AND EXPERTS

    Each school can organize a meeting (to visit some centre or invite at school experts) and share what they did

    What's going on in our schools?

    Influence, inspiration, motivation, creativity, IMPACT... Share here interesting things you do in your day-by-day at school, feasts, traditions, ideas... We are different schools and somethimes we do activities, plans, tasks normal for us but that can make the difference in other schools. Let's create a real learning network. Be influencers!